Zmajska pivovara (Dragon's Brewery) from Zagreb, the first Croatian craft brewery, presents a new visual identity. The idea is not to announce changes in business with a new visual identity, but, on the contrary - to find a visual identity that more accurately affects the essence of Zmajska pivovara. The new visual identity is bolder, more modern and cleaner, the logo is still recognizable, and the taste, quality and love for craft remain unchanged.

The new design visually communicates the main values of the brand: independence, immediacy, uncompromisingness, inspiration, boldness, mastery, attitude and a little magic that, apart from beers, now appears in details such as dragon shells (which look like hops) or three-dimensionality obtained by a combination of varnishes. on printed materials.

The new visual identity was presented at Zmajska pivovara at the "Zmajevo novo ruho" (Dragon's New Robes) event. It was a relaxed collage program of socializing, fun, but also an opportunity to learn something new about beer production. In 2014, the first two dragon beers, Pale Ale and Porter, were introduced. At that time, lagers of mostly large producers could be found in shops, and in cafes, the choice of beer was reduced to large and small, dark and light. Mentioning beer styles or craft brewing sounded weird. Pale Ale and Porter, released in the early fall of 2014, were not the first such beers by chance. with - light and dark.
In the same year, 2014, according to the Ratebeer portal, Zmajska pivovara was included among the 10 best newly opened breweries in the world (in competition with 3800), and Porter was named one of the 15 best porters in the world. At that time, something started in Croatia, other craft breweries opened, and the number of passionate tasters grew. On the dragon style shelf, Pale and Porter were joined by Hoppy Wheat, RIS, RIS BA (the first domestic barrel-aged beer), Pozoj (released as a special, and since 2017 included in the core range), Maris Bitter.

With the move to a new manufactory in Jankomir (2017) and with the countless possibilities that the new space offered, everything accelerated. In 2018, as part of the new brewery, Taproom, a tasting room, was opened, and in the same year, Zmajska pivovara launched its own Zmajevo festival - a craft beer and music festival. The series Brewer's Concoction, a "playground for breweries" was created, and in the same year the school How to Taste Beer was launched, the educational video series Dragon's Business which explains all the secrets of the ingredients and the brewing process, and the Homebrew Lab aimed at supporting and transferring knowledge and experience for today’s homebrewers. Today there are more than a hundred small independent breweries and Zmajska pivovara is still tirelessly brewing new beers and does not intend to stop.
Photos: Marko Čolić